Sunday, February 15, 2015


Is there any relief to be found in winter? Short of taking a hair drier to the permafrost, there is respite to be found! The journey will be all of 7 hours, around the southern tip of Lake Michigan and shooting over to Detroit--or Dearborn, to be precise.

What (beyond warmth) could interrupt a blissful hibernation? A four-day convention, it is a heady mix of indoor Pagan Spirit Gathering and things uniquely ConVocation: tons of classes, lecture with a huge dash of community, wares, and just plain awesome folks.

I remember clearly when we arrived our first year. It was dark and, being out-of-town visitors, we were a little lost. Then we spied a group of folks with cloaks, capes, and staves... "I see our people!" Ms. Moonyak remarked. Indeed, I thought as we parked our rental. It was amazing how our sense of unease turned to relieved comfort once we knew we’d found the pagans.

It had been a harrowing journey of strange unidentifiable smells, icy roads and enormous potholes. We were happy to check into our hotel and wend our way to the site. What confronted us was... well, the full-on pagan community experience. Ahhhh! sliding into a warm tub filled with bubbles :-).

Unlike in daily life, at ConVocation interesting people, ideas, garb and conversation constitute the rule not the exception. I love my pagan community--always a mind broadening experience. The first night we attended a lecture entitled “Ancient Celtic Religion” which was presented by Kirk Thomas, Senior Priest  and current Archdruid of Ár nDríaocht Féin (ADF). ADF is an international neodruidic organization based in the US, in case you didn’t know. A solidly academic, informative. and thought-provoking session, his lecture set the tone and expectations for the balance of our time there.

The next day, popular pagan blogger and lecturer Jason Mankey did not disappoint and delivered a wonderful presentation on "The Horned God of the British Isles.” Later that day, Wiccan priestess Mistress Belladonna had our foreheads burning and pulsing from a guided meditation. Honestly, I have not been the same since. It was a delightful journey towards the inner realms, through a locked door and into a hidden garden. Several folks were so relaxed that they drifted off to sleep! However for us, it was nearly as if we had our third eye poked.

Late that evening, Kirk Thomas led his ADF grove in an enlightening ritual. It was our first time experiencing a Druid ritual first hand. We tend to enjoy more free-form expressions ourselves, however, when the Druids do a ritual it is quite an event: intense and emotionally evocative. Despite the more rigid framework, we were impressed with how smoothly the grove handled the minor mishap of an overturned candle.

We also took a drumming lesson and learned of the African God, Ba Ku Ba, a lesson that resonates each time we pick up a drum. Wrapped around all of this was an awesome raffle with wonderful prizes to be had. Unfortunately we came up empty on that count, but fingers crossed for this year!

We hit upon this topic as we set our compass needle once again to this year’s gathering.  Convocation 2015: Journey's End,  A New World Begins. We can hardly lose, with guests of honor such as Andras Corbian-Arthen, spiritual director of the Earth Spirit Community, as well as award-winning authors like Dorothy Morrison and Ellen Dugan and featured presenters Jason Mankey (Woot! We love him!),  Eli Sheva, leader of Am Ha Aretz (Primitive Hebrew Assembly) and Kenn Day, well known shaman, author and teacher, and many others. Then there’s the largest indoor drum circle in the midwest, and another huge raffle of unbelievably cool stuff….

Whew!!  We will let you know how things turn out next Sunday!  We are so stoked and ready to soar! ** looks for a third eye patch **

☮, ♥ & ♫  ♩ ♪  The Moonyaks

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